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Living Worshipfully  
  Living Contentedly   
Living Together       
Living for Others 
  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5 

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Eco Church

Eco Church is a scheme run by A Rocha UK equipping churches to care for God's creation through their worship, buildings, land, community engagement and individual lifestyles.

If you'd like to be involved in our active and thriving Eco Church, please get in touch!

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Cultivating Native Wildflowers for a Lively Summer Garden

With the arrival of spring, now is the perfect time to embark on a journey of creating a garden that not only bursts with vibrant colour but also supports the local ecosystem. Whether you're a seasoned gardener who enjoys sowing seeds or someone seeking ready-to-plant options, we've curated a delightful selection of UK native wildflowers for your summer sanctuary.

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Sowing Seeds in Spring

Corn Marigold: Plant seeds in spring (Mar-May) for golden blooms that attract bees and butterflies, bringing warmth and life to your garden.

Common Knapweed: Spring (Mar-Apr) is the perfect time to sow Knapweed seeds, offering striking purple-pink flowers that captivate the eye while supporting biodiversity.

Devil's-bit Scabious: Sow Devil's-bit Scabious seeds (Mar-Apr) for delicate lavender-blue flowers from summer to autumn, loved by bees and butterflies, contributing to your garden's health.

Harebell: Plant seeds in spring (Mar-Apr) for delicate, bell-shaped blue flowers. This native wildflower attracting bees and butterflies with its nectar-rich blooms.

Garden Centre Ready-to-Plant Alternatives:

Primrose: Choose ready-to-plant Primroses for elegant yellow flowers, brightening shaded areas and providing early sustenance for bees and butterflies.

Wild Marjoram: Select potted Wild Marjoram plants with pink-purple flowers, adding both beauty and utility to your garden, attracting pollinators.

Meadow Cranesbill: Opt for Meadow Cranesbill plants, boasting violet-blue flowers that bees and butterflies adore.

Foxglove: These plants with towering spires of tubular flowers are majestic blooms which enhance the visual appeal of your garden but also attract bees and moths.

So why not cultivate your piece of native wildflower garden and witness your green space transform into a haven buzzing with life.  Remember native plants have adapted to the region's conditions, making them resilient and essential for sustaining biodiversity, great for pollinators!

And finally, opt for a diverse mix of flower shapes, sizes, colours and consider planting middle, and late-blooming flowers to provide continuous nourishment for insects throughout the summer.  
Happy Gardening!

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Topical Articles:
Browse the latest articles from our Eco Editors below.

Taking Pride in Our Community: Simple Actions, Big Impact

Keeping Britain Tidy extends beyond just disposing of litter responsibly. It's about fostering a sense of pride in your community and lending a helping hand to those in need. Often the simple acts of everyday kindness and civic responsibility can make a positive difference in your local area. Below are some simple ideas to consider…..

Tame the Tangle: Ensure your hedges, trees, and other plants are well-maintained and don't overhang roads, footpaths, or walkways. This is especially important for the safety and accessibility of pedestrians, particularly elderly residents or those with mobility difficulties.

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Hazards Watch: Report any dangerous potholes to the council promptly. Likewise, keep an eye out for damage to local WSCC signage and alert the authorities to ensure proper replacement.

Drain Steward: Take a proactive approach by keeping your local drains clear of leaves or debris to avoid flooding issues. Remember to wear gloves and only remove what's safe and accessible.

Churchyard Care: Many churchyards offer a peaceful haven for reflection and remembrance for the community. Consider volunteering your time to help maintain the grounds or helping with the general upkeep.

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Join the Village Force: Local groups work tirelessly to support their communities and their contributions are invaluable. Why not join a group that resonates with your interests and allows you to contribute positively.

Remember, every little bit counts. By being mindful of our surroundings, taking action when needed, and extending a helping hand to those in our community, we can collectively create a cleaner, safer, and more welcoming environment for everyone.

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